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الموضوع: بي ام دابليو الفئة السابعة بالطاقة الهايدروجينية - قمة الابداع والتطور

  1. #1
    مؤسس رابطة سيارات بي ام دبليو الصورة الرمزية نديم الطيف
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    بي ام دابليو الفئة السابعة بالطاقة الهايدروجينية - قمة الابداع والتطور

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    أعلنت شركة ي ام دابليو رسمياً عن الفئة السابعة هيدروجين و انه سوف يبدأ تسويقها في شتاء 2006

    السيارة ستحتوي على نظام ثنائي من محرك الاحتراق الداخلي (هيدروجين و بنزين) وستكون السيارة مكونة من محرك V12 بقدرة 260 حصان و عزم390 نيوتن وتتسارع من 0 الى 100 في 9,5 ثانية و سرعة قصوى 230 كم في الساعة

    نص المصدر

    BMW Hydrogen 7 Revealed

    Source: BMW Group

    Introducing a New Era of Mobility

    * BMW presents the world’s first hydrogen-drive luxury performance saloon for everyday use.
    * A milestone en route to sustained mobility completely free of pollutants.
    * BMW CleanEnergy strategy paves the way to mobility independent of fossil fuels.
    * BMW Hydrogen 7 has successfully completed the process of series development.
    * The hydrogen combustion engine as a trendsetting and practical drive concept.
    * Twelve-cylinder power unit offering dynamic performance typical of BMW with virtually no harmful emissions and CO2.
    * BMW liquid hydrogen technology providing a significant cruising range for practical use.
    * Progress without compromises: BMW Hydrogen 7 combines CleanEnergy with all the comfort and the thrilling driving experience of a luxury performance saloon.
    * Dual-mode drive: Flexible switchover from hydrogen to gasoline providing an overall range of more than 700 kilometres.
    * New momentum in the development of infrastructure: Hydrogen supply at conventional filling stations gaining significance.

    BMW is the world’s first car maker to present a hydrogen-drive car which has successfully completed the process of series development: The BMW Hydrogen 7 with its hydrogen combustion engine is the result of a consistent development strategy now rendering this trendsetting concept of sustained mobility fully suitable for regular use in today’s world.

    The BMW 7 Series Hydrogen 7 Saloon is powered by a 191 kW twelve-cylinder and accelerates from 0–100 km/h in 9.5 seconds. Top speed is limited electronically to 230 km/h. And as long as full supply of hydrogen is not guaranteed, the dual-mode power unit featured in BMW Hydrogen 7 switches over quickly and conveniently to conventional premium gasoline.

    Offering the world this highly practical solution, BMW is not only demonstrating its leadership in technology in the area of future-oriented drive systems. Rather, the integration of hydrogen drive in an existing vehicle concept which has already proven its merits in the market paves the way for an alternative to conventional drive concepts fully accepted in the market and with all the assets the customer is looking for in practice.

    The launch of BMW Hydrogen 7 is therefore a milestone en route to an era of mobility independent of fossil fuels not only for the BMW Group but also for the entire automotive and energy industry.

    BMW Hydrogen 7 clearly proves, therefore, that liquid hydrogen may by all means be used as a source of energy for the production car. Indeed, introducing BMW Hydrogen 7, the BMW Group is establishing powerful momentum for the ongoing development of a supply infrastructure serving above all to set up additional hydrogen filling stations providing sustained mobility on a broad basis also in future.

    BMW Hydrogen 7: paving the way into the future

    Launching BMW Hydrogen 7, the BMW Group is opening up a new era for the development of automobiles with alternative drive technologies: BMW Hydrogen 7 is not the result of a research project, but has rather successfully completed the entire Product Development Process (PDP) obligatory for all new BMWs.

    In this process all components of the new technology were integrated into the overall vehicle according to the same criteria applied to “regular” production cars. Hence, BMW Hydrogen 7 has reached a level of development significantly beyond the status of all hydrogen prototypes and demonstration cars built so far and allowing homologation under the usual rules and standards in both Germany and the ECE.

    The knowledge gained in the Product Development Process has not only made a decisive contribution to the everyday driving qualities of the BMW Hydrogen 7, but has also had a positive effect on the features and qualities of all individual components. In the Product Development Process each and every component as well as the overall vehicle is analysed and checked to the smallest detail, determining whether it meets the requirements of series production.

    Representing firm features in the Product Development Process, the individual process steps in Development, Testing, Clearance and Signing-Off guarantee the high standards demanded of a BMW Group vehicle. Naturally, the process takes all criteria relevant to the customer into account in order to verify that the new product is ready for the market in every respect. For only then are the conditions fulfilled for presenting the customer – as with all other BMW models – with the world’s first luxury saloon running with a hydrogen combustion engine.

    Entering the market as the first hydrogen car for everyday use, the BMW Hydrogen 7 is a milestone – and at the same time it introduces a new era in car production. The knowledge gained in developing the car will have a significant influence on the development and production of future hydrogen car concepts, with the principle of dual-mode drive as well as the features of other components now going through the strict test of everyday driving practice.

    V12 power unit developing dynamic performance BMW style from hydrogen

    Under current conditions, dual-mode drive is indeed the only really practical solution in giving hydrogen the breakthrough it deserves. And at the same time the combustion engine featured in BMW Hydrogen 7 is excellently suited for arousing widespread acceptance of this new technology.

    Particularly in comparison with the fuel cell, the power unit featured by BMW develops much more engine power, the V12 driving BMW Hydrogen 7 combining dynamic performance, superior comfort and enhanced safety in a manner typical of all BMWs, regardless of the type of fuel or engine technology.

    Displacing 6.0 litres, the power unit develops maximum output of 191 kW. Maximum torque, in turn, is 390 Newton-metres at an engine speed of 4,300 rpm. This enables BMW Hydrogen 7 to accelerate from a standstill to 100 km/h in 9.5 seconds and gives the car an electronically limited top speed of 230 km/h, both on hydrogen and gasoline.

    Right from the start, therefore, this alternative energy technology brand-new in a series production car is absolutely equal to the gasoline engine with its history of more than 100 years. So the conclusion is clear: A hydrogen car is also able to offer power, performance, driving dynamics, motoring refinement and, as a result, sheer driving pleasure of the supreme standard expected of a genuine BMW.

    Apart from the driving experience, the twelve-cylinder power unit carried over from the BMW 760i as the basis for the engine in BMW Hydrogen 7 offers further benefits highly relevant to the customer. Indeed, the engine comes with all the qualities gained by BMW in decades of experience in the production of particularly powerful and efficient power plants, which also means the supreme reliability so typical of a BMW.

    Compared with a fuel cell hardly able to offer the same kind of power, the combustion engine is far lighter right from the start. A further point is that use of a combustion engine also means lower cost of production, with BMW Hydrogen 7 not only having gone through the BMW Group’s entire process of series development, but also being fully integrated in the conventional production process even as a hydrogen car: The new hydrogen model is built at BMW’s Dingolfing Plant parallel to the other models in the BMW 7, 6 and 5 Series, with the drive unit in BMW Hydrogen 7 coming like all BMW twelve-cylinders from the Company’s engine production plant in Munich.

    Direct gasoline injection and hydrogen intake manifold supply

    The hydrogen combustion engine is based on the gasoline power unit featured in the BMW 760i, offering the most advanced and sophisticated highlights in technology such as fully variable VALVETRONIC valve management and variable double-VANOS camshaft control. Further confirmation of the engineering skills of BMW’s engine development specialists is borne out by the modifications required for dual-mode drive, with fuel being supplied in the gasoline mode through direct injection and with a hydrogen supply pipe integrated in the engine’s intake system.

    The key technology is the injection valves required to provide the appropriate fuel/air mixture, blowing exactly the right amount of hydrogen gas into the intake air within fractions of a second.

    Burning up to ten times faster than conventional fuel, hydrogen offers a higher level of efficiency. To make use of this potential in full, the V12 power unit in BMW Hydrogen 7 requires particularly flexible engine management ensured ideally by VALVETRONIC and double-VANOS, where both the gas cycle and injection rhythm can be perfectly tailored to the specific features and characteristics of the hydrogen/air mixture.

    Minimisation of nitric oxides

    Under full load the power unit in BMW Hydrogen 7 runs under stochiometric conditions, meaning a complete balance of oxygen and hydrogen (lambda = 1). This mixture ratio also provides the highest level of performance and output on low emissions in the hydrogen mode.

    With hydrogen, contrary to fossil fuel, not containing any carbon, the combustion of hydrogen generates neither hydrocarbons (HC) nor carbon monoxide (CO). If at all, minute traces of HC, CO, and CO2 emissions will be generated by the combustion of lubricant and by rinsing the activated carbon filter while running in the hydrogen mode.

    The only relevant factor, therefore, is the emission of nitric oxides (NOX) generated above all at particularly high combustion temperatures. Highly flexible combustion management, however, allows an operating strategy able to largely control the formation of NOX. In practice, this means that the engine is run under part load with a high share of oxygen and, accordingly, a high lambda factor of more than 2.

    In this case the temperatures in the combustion process are relatively low, keeping NOX emissions to an absolute minimum.

    إلى الامام بي ام دبليو

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    عضو نشط جدا الصورة الرمزية ALAAOU
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    بس كيييف 12 سلندر وبس 260 حصان؟؟ما كنها قليله؟؟
    عاد متى بتنزل عندنا
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بنز-وبس ; 14-09-2006 الساعة 12:00 AM

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    عضو نشط جدا الصورة الرمزية need_for_speed
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    مشاركة: بي ام دابليو الفئة السابعة بالطاقة الهايدروجينية - قمة الابداع والتطور

    خطوه متاخره من جميع شركات السيارت لكنها بي ام دابيلو متقدمه فيها على الكل لكن ليست بدرجه التويوتا التي اعلنت انها في عام 2013 ستكون جميع محكرتها هجينه

    مشكور عزيزنا نديم الطيف
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة need_for_speed ; 14-09-2006 الساعة 12:19 AM

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    رد: بي ام دابليو الفئة السابعة بالطاقة الهايدروجينية - قمة الابداع والتطور

    العفووووو وشكراً على مروركم شباب

    اخوي need for speed

    بالنسبة لضعف المحرك..هذا لانه ماهو هجين..هذا هيدروجين بحت و 260 قوي مرررررة .. تويوتا بتنزل في 2013 مثل ماتفضلت محركات هجينة مثل الي على اللكزس GS حالياً والمحركين يختلفون عن بعض

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    مشرف سابق الصورة الرمزية عاشق الاوبل
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    مشاركة: بي ام دابليو الفئة السابعة بالطاقة الهايدروجينية - قمة الابداع والتطور



    والله BMW في تطور مستمر

    وعلشان كذا انا انسان ما يفضل الـــ المرسيدس و BMW
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    المرسيدس اخترعت نظام الأضائه الذكي
    و BMW الطاقه الهايدروجينيه

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    مؤسس رابطة سيارات بي ام دبليو الصورة الرمزية نديم الطيف
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    رد: بي ام دابليو الفئة السابعة بالطاقة الهايدروجينية - قمة الابداع والتطور

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